Tehnoloogia Veermiku juhtimine

Hea mootorratta saladus ei peitu ainult mootoris, vaid amortide, pidurite ja raami omavahelises koostöös ja harmoonias. Oleme pidevalt otsinud uusi lahendusi et teha meie rattad veelgi paremaks ja täisulikumaks.


Kawasaki SPIN is a smartphone-based infotainment app that enables various third-party applications to be downloaded and mirrored on the cockpit’s TFT display.

Kawasaki’s new smartphone-based infotainment app enables various third-party applications to be downloaded and mirrored on the cockpit’s TFT display. Basic functions available in the app include telephone, map display, music, calendar, and contacts. Additionally, riders can opt to download third-party apps to add to their Kawasaki SPIN library to be able to interact with them on the TFT display.