Tehnoloogia Veermiku juhtimine

Hea mootorratta saladus ei peitu ainult mootoris, vaid amortide, pidurite ja raami omavahelises koostöös ja harmoonias. Oleme pidevalt otsinud uusi lahendusi et teha meie rattad veelgi paremaks ja täisulikumaks.


KIPASS (Kawasaki’s Intelligent Proximity Activation Start System) is a master key system that allows remote activation of the bike’s main switch and steering lock.

With the compact key fob (portable immobiliser) in a pocket, KIPASS allows riders to remotely release the bike's steering lock and main switch simply by approaching the bike. When the fob key is close to the bike, the signal it sends out is picked up and recognised by the KIPASS unit in the bike. Like immobiliser keys, each fob key has a unique signal, making this system also useful as a theft deterrent. The fob key can be recognised when in a jacket pocket, so there is no need for the rider to remove the key to operate the bike's main switch. Pannier cases and fuel tank cap are opened using the knob key inside the key cylinder. Because the knob key cannot be removed when the key fob is out of range, the keyhole is never visible, helping to prevent tampering. This system uses the encryption algorithm "MISTY" developed by MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC CORPORATION.