Tehnoloogia Veermiku juhtimine

Hea mootorratta saladus ei peitu ainult mootoris, vaid amortide, pidurite ja raami omavahelises koostöös ja harmoonias. Oleme pidevalt otsinud uusi lahendusi et teha meie rattad veelgi paremaks ja täisulikumaks.

Horizontal Back-link Rear Suspension

Horizontal Back-link Rear Suspension arranges its shock unit horizontally, greatly contributing to efficient use of space and mass centralisation.

Compared to Kawasaki's traditional Uni-Trak rear suspension, which mounts the shock unit vertically, with Horizontal Back-link rear suspension, the shock unit is almost horizontal. Kawasaki's original suspension arrangement locates the shock unit very close to the bike's centre of gravity, greatly contributing to mass centralisation. And because there is no linkage or shock unit protruding beneath the swingarm, this frees up space for a larger exhaust pre-chamber (an exhaust expansion chamber situated just upstream of the silencer). With a larger pre-chamber, silencer volume can be reduced, and heavy exhaust components can be concentrated closer to the centre of the bike, further contributing to mass centralisation. The result is greatly improved handling. Another benefit is that the shock unit is placed far away from exhaust heat. Because it is more difficult for heat from the exhaust system to adversely affect suspension oil and gas pressure, suspension performance is more stable. Horizontal Back-link rear suspension offers numerous secondary benefits like this.