Tehnoloogia Veermiku juhtimine

Hea mootorratta saladus ei peitu ainult mootoris, vaid amortide, pidurite ja raami omavahelises koostöös ja harmoonias. Oleme pidevalt otsinud uusi lahendusi et teha meie rattad veelgi paremaks ja täisulikumaks.


ERGO-FIT is an interface system that allows a wide range of riders to feel at one with their machine.

Proper fit is key for rider comfort and control. However, the ideal fit varies from rider to rider, depending on their physical dimensions and riding style.
ERGO-FIT is an interface system designed to allow riders to find their ideal riding position. Various points of the chassis interface (the handlebar, footpegs and seat, etc) can be adjusted through a combination of interchangeable parts and parts with adjustable positions. This enables a wide range of riders to find a riding position that offers both comfort and control. Feeling at one with their machine, they will be able to experience how Kawasaki machines are fun and rewarding to ride.
*Adjustable parts and their range of adjustability vary by model.